Quantum Theory Group
University of Bari and Politecnico di Bari
The research activity of the Quantum Theory group of Università di Bari and Politecnico di Bari focuses on the outstanding developments that have changed the status of quantum mechanics in the last decades, in particular in the emerging fields of quantum information and quantum technologies. The group investigation covers a wide range of specific topics, including:
General aspects of quantum dynamics of closed and open systems
Quantum communication and cryptography
Design of quantum simulators and implementation of quantum-inspired computational procedures
Characterization of entanglement and its link with complexity
Phenomenology and applications of waveguide QED
Random matrix theory in quantum many body systems
Quantum asymptotics and quantum chaos
Quantum metrology
Boundary conditions and topological effects
Quantum control
The methodology involves analytical and numerical techniques from quantum field theory, statistical mechanics and quantum information theory. The Quantum Theory group has close collaborations with experts in quantum theory and experiment worldwide.